ya today is trully productive day. Because it's already my 3rd post in these day
But, i'm not feel tired for sure.

But, i'm not feel tired for sure.
Very very grateful, i have 2 BLOG AWARDS today.
These awards was given by Ci Shasa from missbelanjaonline
Thanks a bunch .

Nomination Rules For One lovely Blog Awards:
1. Post the award image to your blog
2. Link the person who has award you
3. Post 7 random things about you
4. Nominate other 8 relatively new blogs

Nomination rules of Versatile Award:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let the nominated know that they have been nominated for this award
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post
-Like an abstract drawing in college, instead of recording material. LOL--Love my gadgets and can't be far
---Love to spend my day at my bedroom, than hangout with no purpose
----Afraid with cats
-----"tengkurap" is the most sleep position i'd like
------Almost all of my best friend are born on Tuesday
-------So many photos with the same pose but different blouse
i will tag for my GFC followers (always open & welcome for new followers) who want to do this award post.
And Please leave your link bellow after you do an award post (comment box).
with ♥,
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Hai,Glad to see your comments bellow. but use ur name or id to leave a comment, dont be anonymous for sure ~ PrettiestLady ♥♥♥