Good afternoon guys
I will post one picture that i found when i was instagramin' ( i forgot when )
in my opinion this is a quotes picture, see that words
"TRUST is like a paper once it's crumpled it can't be PERFECT again"
That words are so TRUE.
I wasn't knowingly, but i ever experienced it myself from two differnt sides (right//wrong)
wrong// I've lied to my mother and other people maybe they wouldn't believe me about something else with it.
right// I ever lied to by people who almost 100% i believe and it can't be forgotten though that was forgiven (sounds hypocritical?). Hard to build the trust like that again. *puff
The nature of peoples are difficult to dive.
How long we known each other (3years, 7years, 20years, 24year, etc)
How long we known each other (3years, 7years, 20years, 24year, etc)
Don't ever waste your belief that you get from someone.
If you ever waste one's belief, then REPENT!
*)all the words are my personal opinion bout these quotes. What's about your opinion?